This evening 11/16/2010 @ 10:33pm I emailed Gloria Allred
I have her book Fight back and win / when i saw the title of the book on my shelf i knew immediately that i wanted to make sure to contact her…
Have you ever felt like David fighting Goliath? I’ ve felt like that since 2003…. like no matter what i do or how i try to finish against injustice and all the harm these people have continually done to my life… that i am just this little person who is not allowed to “win” to “have justice” that no one really cares or wants to help… or maybe they cant fight against these people… i mean the police have tried but haven’t been able to stop anything…. but you still have to have hope right… that truth will prevail.. that people who bully and trespass or harm others are stopped…
I would love….. swift justice with Nancy Grace and Gloria Allred author of to fight and win …. wow to be able to stop these horrible criminals and be able to have them be held accountable for the damage they have caused in my life…. wow… now that would be absolutely great!
I received an additional bully email sent few days ago… on Monday November 15th from someone who was supposed to be a long time family friend. Of course no true friend would have sent such a horrible email…. I sent a reply back including the website to and perhaps that will stop any more emails form that email address…..anyway… since IP addresses can be traced… and eventually criminals will be caught or at least i hope they will be caught and put in jail where thy belong! ….. we shall see.
I had to call go daddy twice this evening… once spoke with Mike the next time i spoke with another guy once concerning the fact that when i put my website into an email or the contact form of a lawyer or police department the website for is not hyper linking. Please if anyone is out there and it is or is not hyper linking as well… please let me know! Then i also had to mention the fact that my pass code wasn’t working when i started to use go daddy today….
I had him check to see if anyone had changed my pass code between last night and today! One way or another, i will find out if anyone is hacking into my accounts or preventing me from freedom of speech on my blog or my website and i will make sure the scummy liars, cheats and thieves are in jail where they should have been since 2003!