Monthly Archives: December 2011

Sat. December 16th 2011 @1:13am( Fri What is it like to talk to the enemy… on the phone tonight and for the pst few days when i call my mom’s number that is what i get…

So what is it like to talk to the enemy… or live with an enemy…. Today actually on the phone tonight…. At precisely 11:23pm …. Fri December 16th 2011… I had a woman on the phone who actually told me that she didn’t want me to meet some guy Brian… and get this ..she didn’t  want  me to meet Brian or anyone ..  because she was afraid that I would mention karen kahel..or all the hell  I’ ve been through in the past ten years.. and how my life was ruined by these criminals and whores…   because I would mess it up.. of  course  the woman couldn’t think of any positive qualities for  me .(DEFINATELT NOT MY MOM!!!!. and she also wanted to make sure that I dint say anything negative about Karen kahel… hummmm of course it wasn’t my mom…. Or even a friend.. but guess what… one  of the bullies form ohio.. no doubt.. so makes me ashamed to have been born there…. Especially  when I have to deal with  scummmm who are so reprehensible… possibly one of her relatives…(?)  or perhaps the bully herself… but its fri. night I doubt that she wouldn’t be out drinking or worse… bulling transgressing.. or   lying and ruining families and  lives..  …. Conning someone one.. to make sure she gets that leased BMW to  flash around… ha… .. gosh I wonder  if I should expect  that  unsigned….   Christmas card( covered with Jesus stickers… )  sent from  a  Cleveland postmark… and with  a mean message in it.. .. gosh  those made me cru for days… think I was actually getting a card from a relative.. but instead getting a card for the enemy…. And her Ohio state disgusting family….. or hummm but of course it is fri. and of course probably karnekahel  must be spreading her legs open for some  boy or two..  HA!…. just kidding… HA! you know it takes a lot of whoring around to get that leased BMW…. After ruing innocent people’s lives.. HA! Gosh and the way she handles people  on the phone.. even the  idiots she hires to do all her dirty work… .. I mean  what talent it takes to lie and  get people upset.. and bully… just sooo impressive HA!

(Of  course I am being  sarcastic… I hate the witch…. But it must take some talent to raise  children to be criminals.. I still haven’t found  out if the one little girl in port royal who stole my cashmere sweater.. and the  treasure hunt cards… and the Thomas bubble blowers…  actually was related to her… but she had the blond hair and the freckles. And the same  hair raising   persona.. you know .. when you are around pure evil and the hairs in your arm raise… yep this little girl did the same thing just like Karen…. k!

And I have a niece who has has the most beautiful blond hair.. and blue eyes… but is soo sweet… it has to be in the way the person comes into this world.. a bully  and criminals is a bully and criminal.. or the way they are raised. So if she is related to Karen kahel…. It just makes sense.. not an excuse.. but makes senses….

Opps I should say allegedly whoring around.. right.?HA! I mean if she is allowed to  say anything   and everything and I have to talk to some  witch on the phone. Who sticks up for her instead of her own daughter… .and  the idiot who comes for dinner is even going to act like the bitch…. And  to boot… I’m not  permitted to talk to any of my  real friends  who  by the way  would never say any of these things… to me… no real friend is going to  protect a bully… one  who bullied you… and protect or stick up for a girl who is  so evil she makes people cry.. on purpose.. then jumps up and down to say she won she won. Like  Charlie  sheen… she ‘s into winning…  and bulling and trespassing and I guess she believes she is above the  law or any rules.. or anything decent or noble or  honorable   When I wrote  about where are the men with integrity.. where the hell are the women with integrity.. the women who make those life long friends… that you can count on .. that   are loyal.. and decent .. and have morals and values.. and who stick up for their   friends.. and would never allow a bully “to WIN” … what is it like to talk to the enemy…. It is horrible.. it is  lonely and it is  unforgivable…..


what is it like talking to a witch..the emeny… the bully herself… who will twist words   and try to make your  life hell.. will try to  make  you  look bad.. well for the past two days on the phone that  is all it has been… I also had this person fred over for dinner  and   when she waked in with sweet bay  (susposedly… I was told  the ohio’s favorit place to shop…. ) and  then tried  to tell me acting as if he is Karen kahel… that even though  I hate her/him .. he will pray for me… what a crock. he didn’t pray for dinner… unless I pray  when I sit down and pray… before  dinner.. .but was trying to make “her” look like she is sooo saintly… a whore who  screws a guys in a pool while l I am babysitting her 3 month old son in 2005… who   purposely trespassed and bullied .. who harmed so many people  .. Without one word of sorrow…  did that whore actually think of praying for me when she was bulling me to tears(?) .. or  trespassing  to get a better chance to bully  no not one  bit of  remorse.. not one” I am sorry”…. Ever… and  to continue to do the same actions …. harass me.. and everything  she said or did.. to harm my life… no of course not but today someone is pretending that the bully and trespassing whore… is a saint.. What a  crock….

 I prayed for her too.. that one day she will be on her knees begging  for forgiveness….  And actually and for real remorseful for all the  horrid things she has done.. but t she was raised to be a  whore and a criminal.. so I ‘m not supposed to hold her responsible for her actions… I guess..  and then she has a psychology   degree so when she torments and torturers people using all her skills.. as a  vicious and brutal and mean  bully… I was told that it was alright…  thatmaking me..mary jean ziska…cry.. is supposed to be alright…  because eh is the one doing it .. right???? so what is it like to talk to an enemy and never be allowed to talk to  the actual people who really love and care for me… It sucks… I missed taking  to Kathy young… and Carolyn walters.. and  Kathie higdon… even my aunt rita would have ruined this girls life if she knew how  much she ruined mine….but then she died… so I don’t have the people I  love and who know me and love me ..and she keeps trying to isolate me from  anyone  who could be a friend… like this guy Brian.. what  if he was  someone who was great… clean cut preppy..conservative.. actually a person who wears a collared shirt to dinner…. and normal no issues and problems… and what if I actually  even  met him… and he might remind me of my old friend e scott renshw and was a real friend… who would  protect me from bullies.. and  make my life better but instead I am surrounded by pure evil… selfish evil and horrid  people who actually harm my  life… to talk to and to have in my life… just a bunch of enemies.. who  manipulate.. who still ..  bully and who  still  are as evil and fake as can be… I must say the person on the phone tonight failed  as my loving and great mom… absolutely without a shadow  of a doubt failed as a real mother….

I miss my mom and my dad and my  sisters Maura Ann Ziska and Madelon Marie Ziska and all my real cousins.. and all my real friends…. Genuine real friends….  Ones who actually make your life better… who don t bully you.. who stick up for you and  your  rights.. and for the people who   know your  positive  qualities.. and really like you… I mean really like you…. God I miss  them every day for the past ten years I miss talking to  them…. Please come find me .. Help!!!!!!!

 I hate the  horrid and fake families who have girls or boys on the phone  who do nothing  but harm my They aren’t as brutal sa the bullies who used to make me cry every  day…  but it still hurts..and it is still harming my life… ..HELP!!!!!!

… I never asked to speak to any of them… ever I call my mom’s phone number the expected expectation is that you actually reach my mom…. I  never wanted to speak to  these fakes who are in the karne kahel fan club.. ever! .. ever……… never ever wanted  to talk to any of her friends or her family… ever… I have built up ten years of hatred for all of them… I remember every moment.. and I will never forget… or forgive… the people who harmed my life…  they have nothing  positive but harm my life… and I never want them to forget the damage they purposely inflict… and the harm they  caused.. and lives they ruined…  I will never forgive them or forget any of it… they owe me ten years of my life.. and I am never forgiving them for that. Ever! I want JUSTICE!….but I must say.. I do like that new show on ABC>> revenge…HA! Hummmmm

Thursday December 15th 2011 @10:24pm ( wierd phone conversation… with someoen who was supposed to be my cousin Greg… but couldn’t have been… also miss my genuine loving…friends and family….)

What is a friend…. To night I had someone proclaim to be a real friend… but he isn’t  … while  I was crying at the dinner  table..and he grunted  to acknowledge  that I was talking…not commenting on what was  upsetting me… me motioned to the mysterious “boogy man” condo…. And like any true friends hurried to get away from the dinner   table not even listening to anything I said… no not a real friend.. I miss my REAL FRIENDS AND Loving GENUINE AUTHENTIC FAMILY….. Especially   on holidays.. or near holidays.. but today… having someone trying  to tell me how long my  mom would go on her travels to exotic lands…  and getting it completely wrong…   then the  oh… baby I am here to help you… just as lo gas it doesn’t  inconvince him… and  when I call my mom or call her phone. I am not talking to my mom or to a real friend… maybe at times the phone conversations will be nice.. but eventually they will always get something wrong…. Whether it is like talking to someone e who has read the information of your life but never lived it… it turns  out unauthentic… and wrong….


I miss the days when I could pick up the phone and actually talk to people who knew me and loved me.. who wanted to see me or spend time with me.. who actually did want to  make my life better.. and wanted me to be happy…

Speaking of phone conversation  I wanted to mention that I had a person hand me his phone… telling me it was my cousin Greg… and Greg was supposed to e in town… and I guess was supposed to come and see me.. or at least it was someone who wanted to get into my gate….  Anyway.. the conversation seemed to be pretty nice but a red flag went up when I told him I missed having a real date… and how I haven’t had any of those real dates probably in at least ten years…. And then ( this I will never forget…) he mentioned congegial  ( they don’t even have this workd in spell check…UGGG!!)  visits… like from prison.. and I about freaked… I knew a then…. At that exact moment…  I wasn’t  talking to my cousin Greg.. who was not in town to work on a roof.. but on some asshole who used prison terms … when thinking of seeing/dating  girls.. … AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! So who the hell was I spilling my guts to… who wanted to get into o my gate?

I also know my cousin Greg owns two wine bars and a coffee shop…  and if he was visiting  Florida from  Cleveland Ohio… why the hell would he be wasting time working on a roof…. When I thought of the neighbor who has a son who is a roofer…. Was it him or one of their friends e or co workers… on the phone.. I  just  feels so violated …..when you  think you are talking to someone and you aren’t …  when the freaks are actually having this other conversation. And not even listening….. When their answers make no sense in the context of the conversation you are having…

You can’t build any  real relationships… you can’t  even get to  have any real conversations…. You are alone and isolated… with a bunch of manipulating  idiots… who couldn’t care less… and who get way with lying, cheating and stealing from me…  who ruin  your  hope s and dreams… and who stay in my life just long enough for  someone to steal my identity.. or some wish or dream or hope that I wanted… and  they don’t steal it.. they will threaten to make me  feel that it will be taken  from me…

You can’t count on these people.. you shouldn’t  trust them ..and you definitely  can’t believe them or think they are actual friends… I have quotes on my wall about true friendship ….  What makes a true friend… how to  know what a true friend   ..

I MISS MY GENUINE LOVING FRIENDS AND FRIENDS….. and it didn’t help when I had freaks.. Telling me “I want the real may jean”…. And they” miss the real may jean”  then planning on anything… one person telling you they will  give you this..or help you with that… then you count on  their word being  a verbal contract.. and being something you can count on.. and then the next minute.. it all changes.. like a total new person making up rules of what they will help you with what they will do…  and then nothing gets done and more  things are broken.. and  you learn not to count  on anyone … that  the “freaks”  will only lie to you …. Yes lie right to your  face.. or tell you something and you have to try to figure e out what  or how whatever they are saying  will  affect your life  life…  hummmmm ..

I  wonder what they are planning on stealing this  time…..  after going through  a bunch of linens.. I am missing two large body towels  and two face towels… the ones my mom bought me from Niemen Marcus…  they were in my guest bathroom.. and since I basically wasn’t allowed to have any guests… ( psycho control freaks who don’t want me to have any friends…. ) they  weren’t used… like at all… practically brand new…

When I found that on  top of  all the other things still missing ..(like my pearl earrings.. and my diamond earrings.. and   of course the  kaki cashmere sweater… and the $240.00 stolen from  my black bag… last month… still missing…)

   anyway.. I spent two days writing my name on everything… except the two ripped pillow cases that someone left in my good linins.. And two   ripped white fitted bed sheet that also someone left in my good linens….  I mean what psycho freak not only steals or takes sheets or towels. Or anything from  anyone…. ( of course I  consider that stealing… most normal people do… right?)  but  then to rip them and then  put them back (?) .. what? like I wouldn’t notice?  

Anyway…. Besides someone thinking that I  am married.. or dating someone… or  some nationality that I am not… or any of the milions of stories that are completely untrue…. I just really miss my  genuine and loving friends and family…..  and I pray they can find me… and help me…  luv mary jean ziska

Last time i left my home… when the door lock wouldnt open for my garage

So i normally stay in my home these  days… Since the bully Karne kahel.. and the criminasl who broke in my home and allthe poseessions stolen…and   the possibility of communication with my real loved ones ruined…by one psycho freak..and  their group of  conartists….   i normally stay inside… i must say.. the way they use fear to contol a perosn… to manipulate lives.. to scare you into  doing what they want …. its  really  an evil talent only a few people could probably do really really well… adn boy do these people do it well….   mannipulating  situations so that you are dependant… so they can contol ….  really evil…. adn they do it sooo well….  they uses threats… used to use their bullies… and  then of couse the  takign away of anyoen who coudl ever really help you… of anyoen whoever really knew youadn loved you.. the ruining of relationships… they have made that an art form…  pretty much every criminal activity.. they have ther hands into it.. they use it for ther advantage..adn they change yrou life… these parasitic.. vile glrs who want  your  life … your  clotheing … yoru friends.. yoru busiesses..  your history… and the  possibilities..  oh the many possibiliites… that a life has…  these girls and boys are ruthless.. uncaring .. and demonic… they spread lies… and make them almost believable… they ruin everything ..and then laugh at the ruined lives they left… they never make anythignbetter.. they never acomplish anything.. they never really do anything great … they are horrid…. but here i go rambling on and on again.. about thes horrid expereinces.instead of explaining yet another horrid expereince..
so it was december 3rd at 7:44pm i left my home to go and get some groceries… Publix had lots of two for one sales.. on all sorts of condiments adn so many  items that my home had run out of …i was really able to get a lot…. i was only gone about an hour… maybe a bit more… but  when i came back into my ome through the front door… adn went ot unlock the  garage door .. the garage door lock and key didn’ t work… I freaked… i ran to lowes to go and get  antoehr lock… and called the police from my front gate…   

Last time i left my home… when the door lock wouldnt open for my garage

So i normally stay in my home these  days… Since the bully Karne kahel.. and the criminasl who broke in my home and allthe poseessions stolen…and   the possibility of communication with my real loved ones ruined…by one psycho freak..and  their group of  conartists….   i normally stay inside… i must say.. the way they use fear to contol a perosn… to manipulate lives.. to scare you into  doing what they want …. its  really  an evil talent only a few people could probably do really really well… adn boy do these people do it well….   mannipulating  situations so that you are dependant… so they can contol ….  really evil…. adn they do it sooo well….  they uses threats… used to use their bullies… and  then of couse the  takign away of anyoen who coudl ever really help you… of anyoen whoever really knew youadn loved you.. the ruining of relationships… they have made that an art form…  pretty much every criminal activity.. they have ther hands into it.. they use it for ther advantage..adn they change yrou life… these parasitic.. vile glrs who want  your  life … your  clotheing … yoru friends.. yoru busiesses..  your history… and the  possibilities..  oh the many possibiliites… that a life has…  these girls and boys are ruthless.. uncaring .. and demonic… they spread lies… and make them almost believable… they ruin everything ..and then laugh at the ruined lives they left… they never make anythignbetter.. they never acomplish anything.. they never really do anything great … they are horrid…. but here i go rambling on and on again.. about thes horrid expereinces.instead of explaining yet another horrid expereince..
so it was december 3rd at 7:44pm i left my home to go and get some groceries… Publix had lots of two for one sales.. on all sorts of condiments adn so many  items that my home had run out of …i was really able to get a lot…. i was only gone about an hour… maybe a bit more… but  when i came back into my ome through the front door… adn went ot unlock the  garage door .. the garage door lock and key didn’ t work… I freaked… i ran to lowes to go and get  antoehr lock… and called the police from my front gate…   

Applied for 5,000.00 contest winning from staples…from lowes… but if computer freak is ruining my chances of even talkign to the right people… wont he also spoil mychristmas.. and possibility of winning anything?

Applied for 5,000.00 contest winning from staples…from lowes…  but if computer freak is ruining my chances of even talkign to the right people… wont he also spoil mychristmas.. and possibility of winning anything? 

REnewal of magic jack… not a ral number listed.. so could be reason why I haven’t been able to talk/contact to anyone for an entire year….

S0 i also found out  ( when i went to renew my magic jack … that they didnt have my magic jack number listed…. )  I dont know how it happened… but when you go on to yoru account they are suppose to have yoru  telephone numbers listed so  youcan renew yoru  number for an additonal year… welll they had some bogus number listed…. that want evena real number… it was (  &nbsp I also wnet online when i remembered that I had been given a magic jack and had n’t used it…. but this is also wierd.. when i wnet online to  get it to work.. i had to pick a new number… and so i chose a number with a 239 area code..since  that is the area code where i live… and since  i couldnt chosse my old number…. anyway..when i went to add ten dollars so i coudl make international calls… ( i thought  it might be ncie to be able to  reach out and talk to some old frinds i had met  when i was at school in france… like  thomas..or claes from sweden..or   heidi in denmark… or  lucy in germany… anyway when i went to addteh ten dollars… it showed that the ten dollars had gone to a completely different 561 number .. not myold number.. not  my new 239 number… but a completely  wrong number…. 

I really widh these psycho freaks who keep messing with  my cable.. withmy phones..adn  with my computer  GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday December 15th 2011 @ 6:38pm ( psycho who turned off my televison channels today eliminated law and order… at 9am when i told him i liked to watch the show)

So you won’t believe what happened today…. I mentioned to someone that since the loss of all my  or most of my television channels  (completely rigged of course… the same ass who manipulates my home  internet  and phone…. Through the internet… right… . Hummm still wondering if the wiring for my unit goes where?????  Somewhere someone could say… misdirect anything… or how do they do it.. does the boy get off thinking that he can  control a person and change an entire life… yep,  guess that’ s the point..   to tella bunch of false stories.. to manipulate circumstances… to change a perosn’s like ( like mine tha thtey ruined and destroyed… for ten years….) for what .. is it the identity thief… or the person who steals sheets and towles.. and clothes.. and  all for what…. So some felon can hide out…  hummm ????

Well yesterday I was able to watch a few movies that I own on DVD…. While they were supposed to be on the television.. ( since I can’t receive those channels on television… HA!  But to my sheer delight… I  found that on channel 8 at 9  am I found  that  they show “ law and order”  now this is what is weird… cine I live in a condo  .. and all the condo’s are the same with the same wiring and cable running through all of them… why would I get channel 8 only on channel 9????????? And why would  someone have been able to manipulate my cable  and not any one else’s ..oh say perhaps a criminal… who liks  to mess with cables….like may alarm system…. And other wiring in my condo…  hummmmm  yep,  perhaps

 I know someone who doesn’t watch television.. Perhaps they decided in their executive manipulation of my  life that they had the power to take away something thy  didn’t need… that they .. were able to have the power like today… I mentioned that I was sooo happy to  be able to at least see one intelligent show on television … in the morning especially now while I   am working on clearing up a mildew issue…  so am elbow deep in working in my bedroom 

So get this…   this person  who heard me say that… I want to go and watch it( law and order)  .. what the  hell did they do….. I went in to my room… had the tv on… started watching it.. it started then poof….  The t v program was  all blacked out… It started .. then went to a black screen.. no law and order… All I could could of was how manipulative …. How  brutal… and how  evil… to take away  something  I enjoyed … was it the boy with the small ( you know  what….)  who has to compensate by feeling  big and powerful….  controlling girls.. and bulling them like karen kahel needs to do for someone to take away something you enjoy ..and to do it on purpose… hummmmm pretty psycho….. Very manipulative and very sick and evil….  

Then let’s go into the whole manipulating by fear….  Thng… telling me not to do this because …and just fill inthe blank of what horrid thing  is supposed to happen to me next….  What part of my life they will take away if I don’t … behave.. or do what is expected of me.. or what they want me to do that will be great for their lives but usually horrid for mine…   That is not my family.. not my friends… not what anyone who actually really knows me oar loves me would ever say or do….. like today I actually had my first apology… this fake horrid woman who is not my mom… told me over the  phone  that  I stole her Cartier watch….  And today they found it with her diamond necklace…. And on the phone the woman actually said she was sorry for accusing me..

 of course my real mom would have never in a million years ever even though such a disturbing and wrong assumption   about me….  Good god that is just ludicrous…. My mom knows my level of integrity…  and ethics. And knows that I have never stolen anything ……ever….  My mom loves me and actually wants to spend time with me….. Wants to make her daughter’s life better…. That’s what real mom’s do… they want you to be happy… they want you to find the love of your life.. they want you  to have a great life… full of wonderful experiences.. and of  amazing possessions.. And a life that is full of blessings…. Beautiful home… and children.. and a faithful and wonderful husband… a real mom or family does not take thing s away from  you life….like  you are in some third world country… where you are supposed to be censored. Or monitored. Or because you are a woman you are less than valuable….  That was definitely not my mom… my mom always  complimented me… I wonder if the conversations I had with these fake mom’s today… how o  it hurt my life and my Christmas…and who my family is… at least on  the phone….

By the one girl saying she was sorry… was that admitting that I had this horrid mom who actually thought I stole things…. Which I do not have…  and  when talking to her about ordering things on line to give as Christmas gifts…  to my sister Maura and my friend scott renshaw…  and even asking about the room rates in Naples during the holiday seasons…  hummmm the last phone  call I got… not a nice lady at all… in fact it had this rotary ring..and sounded funny…I told her to go and have Chris( there was a Kris Kelly who was helping   on line to take an order…. Who knows maybe it could be him…. )  or whoever is manipulating  my cables..and my phone…  sheesh..for the last ten years and purposely ruined my life… tell “them” to fix … fix everything… but of course they won’t… hacker freak gets a kick out of  manipulating lives… I even had one person tell me that I am supposed to speak Spanish… probably  because they  have some Spanish girl  stealing my identity..along with who know s who else these past ten years….  These are evil criminsls and they need to be stopped… HELP!they needed to be stopped ten years ago….  


wh to not receive certain channels?????? ….… well I only get it on channel 9 instead of channel…. 8 weird right… almost as if someon e was  manipulatin v my channels… I mena what type of psycho freak would take away the things that you love.. or manipulate yoru life to  harm you.. mus t be a controlling psycho freak….. who gets of on controlling woman

Fri December 09th 2011 @ 11:25am( called ADT this morngin concerning the alarm )

 So this morning I called ADT  to ask about the alarm programming…   when my alarm goes off… people keep telling me that the boogy man is makng th ealarm go off… like last night at aprox 11pm the alarm went off noting  that the sliding  glass window  was to blame… when teh slidin glass window has nothing going on with it… adnthen this morning… at 8am….  it went off again…. and  I  wrote inone of my last blogs… blog..about seeing a man  scurring away…   the only room i could  not visiblly see… was the guest  bedroom….   so i called adt… 

they said if the sensors had been swithed ..and they were origionally numbered and   designated for    a certain area… then if they had been moved to another area.. they may actually designate a problem in the original area… therfore if someone had taken the living room sensors.. and changed them out for the guest bedroom sensors… then the living room sensor would  still register  even if a problem occurred in the  gurst bedroom…. Hummmmmm 

or another plausable siutaion.. there are workers doing some type of construction labor in teh upstairs condo…. could  their work be interferring with the  cables…. but they wouldnt be  workign at 11pm right?  and  if they interferred with the  cables… ar they the reason my cable went out…. a few weeks ago.. the cable in my condo  went  out..  when i t came back on.. i amstillmissing a ton of regular  cable channels.. and the cable in teh den and  in the  guest bedroom still doestn work….   and does that have anything to do with the home alarm system…
when i first got the alarm system.. it was a bit fishy.. it was after working for karn kahe… (  the perosn i actaully hate the most in this world…) and i had to have someone named omar come from  fort myers or sarasota… to do the  inspection and the  installation….   could omar be realated to the dark haired dark eyed… and dark skinned girl…. in karn  kahels picture  (?) … 

i had someone (who liked to scare me) tell me that the alarm was not actully  with ADT… and  was instead being monitored by  somone in my nieghborhood… at the time i gnored the tall tale but so many horrid things have happened ..  with people breaking and entering.. and people  stealing.. and ruining  so many  areas of my life….. and somehow knowing wheni woeld be leaving  my home…. and when i entered my home… like when karen  kahel    woudl somehow appear running and trespassing into the strand jsut after i left myhome… i mean how the hell did she know wheni woudl have been leavingmyhome… unless she had some type of notification..right?   and  when all the times i would  go babysitting and they would break in and enter my home….. was that also related to my alarm….   


Fri December 9th 2011 @ 11:15am ( missing items)

so  after this morning and the alarm being triggered again…  I went through all the items I am now missing…. 
 1.  one  cermic creamer  came withthe set of  dishes… I  bought two sets of dish sets when i first moved in…. 
2.  the $240.00 missing from babysiting  money  stolen from my black dunny and burk bag from my   garage
3.  silverware
4.  william sonoma   white cotton napkins
 5.  right now i stillhave to researchthrough allmy  luggage for a red and navy canvas samsonite tote bag… and a bunch of purses including a prada bag my  mom gave me about 5 years ago for christmas…. 
6. a parcel of paperwork that inclulded  the title to my gold 300 1990 mercedes  with vin number of:  
7.  the insurance and the registration  for my green saturn suv vue  liscense # 
8.  the origional picture of karne kahel while she was trespassing in the strand before she had any permission to be here andwhen she bullied me  taken while she was running in a pink and black outfit. 

  will willhave to go through everything…