Fri. February 11th 2011@4:34pm ( email sent to orchard bank concerning the credit cards stolen from personal papers)

Here is the email i sent to Orchard Bank concerning the two credit cards that were in the parcel of personnel papers that were stolen… remember i went to church and asked the  policeman to meet me at my home and the mean man who showed up discredited my accounting of my personal information that was stolen.  anyway.. most police officers that i have met have been wonderful public servants who are genuinely interested in making sure to stop crime.. the day i realized  this parcel of papers were wrong.. was a horrible day… anyway.. here is the email i sent in the contact box for the orchard bank company where the two credit cards originated. 

To whom it may concern: 
February 11th 2011 @4:30pm
I received two orchard bank credit cards in my name through the mail.  I had items stolen from my home including these two credit cards and need to see if anything has been done to continue processing the cards?  If anyone has used the cards? What needs to be done for my own security concerning the cards. I need to alert my credit unions of the incident and make sure that they are not stolen or used for identity theft.  I do not know the numbers on the cards.  I hadn’t even opened one of the two envelopes when the items were stolen. Please email me concerning this situation. Thanks you for your kind attention in this situation,
Sincerely mary jean ziska 

I am adding onto this entry/post: today February 24th 2011 @ 8:42pm
I have still not received an email or letter back from  the orchard bank concerning the two credit cards in my name that were stolen.