Tuesday November 23rd 2010( police report:# 06-27161 8/18/2006)

sworn statement filed: August 18th 2006
Report #:  06-27161
content of report:

I entered into Bank of America @ Travila circle.  I came in to check on my bank account and was informed that my account was overdrawn.  I protested that was impossible since I had $1000.00 in my account as of my last statement.  The bank employee went through my account and informed me that a check for $804.94
( #1006) was rendered from my account.  She gave me a copy of the check and it is NOT my handwriting nor is it on past ordered checks.  There were also 50 checks ordered  without my consent and  I did not receive any checks.  Checks were written off my account # 1001/#1002( $1194.06)/#1003($664.87) #1004 (206.05)#1005 ($45.00) all the above checks were not my handwriting but using my signature.  I didn’t authorize anyone  to write checks from my account i will prosecute the people involved.