November 27th 2010 @3:10pm ( the way to ruin a person’s life)

 So I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit… how can one or some group of people absolutely ruin a person’s life…  to be  calculating, manipulative and definitely criminal… what would they have to do… well, to……

first: pick a victim who is honest, trusting and hadn’t been harmed by any crime so pretty much innocent….and naive  ( well they picked me so that is a check!)

Second:   gain their trust then use all the information to harm them….

third:   make them go through something horrible….  then discredit them by using the horrible incident….against them…

Forth:  isolate them from their support system/ any way of communication…. like phone emails… seeing their friends and family face to face…

Fifth:  ruin their credit or business  and control their finances….

Well i guess when someone has done all of that… they pretty much have control of another person’s life….  they can control what you can do by limiting finances…. or contact with others…or limiting travel…. and can pretty much do just about anything  to that person  and to their life… i got to see this entire procedure first hand…. and let me tell you… its so difficult to get the life you were supposed to have … the one you planned or wanted .. after someone has  done this to you.. they picked you….and not even saying a novena to st Jude ( st of the impossible mind you)….for over a year and now 4 months… telling the police, contacting attorneys.. getting better locks, security, and trying to fix what they destroyed… hasn’t helped!