November 15th 2010 Bullying ( Bullycide )

I first heard about  a case that  went to trial  concerning bulling when  i learned about  Lori Drew and Megan Myer.   February 2008  

United states of America /United States district court for the central district of California ( plaintiff) vs. Lori Drew( defendant )  the case involved a 13 year old girl Megan Meier.

Grand Jury charges/ Indictment 18 USC 371:  Conspiracy;18 USC 1030(a) (2) (c),(c)  (2)  (ii):  Accessing Protected Computers to Obtain information; 18 USC  2(a), (b) :Aiding and Abetting and Causing an Act to be Done

*The intentional infliction of pain /humiliation

* willful and fraudulent 

*Lori Drew ” was conspiracy”_ people conspired to entrap a young girl with the express purpose of humiliating ( a form of torture)
torture/tortuous act: (  to intentionally inflict emotional distress)

*Conspiracy: co conspirators  knowingly conspired and agreed with each other  

*accessing protected computers without authorization=hacking

*”without authorization in excess of authorized access and by means of interstate communication obtain information from the computer to further a TORTIUS ACT
(definition of a tortious act:  namely intentional  infliction of emotional distress / violation of 18USC SS 1030(a) (2) (c)

*knowingly harassed/intimidated

definition of bulling:  when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power ,  in terms of physical strength or social standing

If your child lets you know that he/she is being bullied Lener said your first response should be to validate your child’ feelings and let them know its NOT OK for someone to treat them like that 

 Proper Response of parent :  “Be supportive and let your child know that you’ll help then consult your child and ask how he/she would like you to get involved observed Rofey… Many  youngsters may ask their parents to take a hands off approach she said but she recommends setting some guidelines. Say something like It seems you have this situation in control right now but lets keep talking and checking in about it.

Rofey also recommends teach your child how to avoid situations that might lead to teasing or bulling and talking with your child  about how to reach out to adults if they need to 

Tess Health “Dealing with Bulling

ex). Kick a Ginger Day

ex) E investigates :  the documentary series E online :  Bullying /
Dillon sued owon case of $250,000.00.  Dr. Carol smith /
 *learning to trust

ex)Phibbie Prince
her bulling was meant to make her cry designed to humiliate her
staff knew about bulling
bulling became intolerable

ex)BullyPolice E-book
Bullycide In America  … Moms speak out about the bulling/suicide connection
Complied by Brenda High
“Much more than a mere expose of horrifying statistics, this book is a collection of personal letters to you, straight from a broken heart, about the most devastating case of bullycide ever.. the one that claimed the writer’s own child.  I applaud every author in these pages who has struggled in the depths of grief to tell the most painful story of their life, and I challenge America to respond to there tear-stained pages.”
author and journalist Neil Marr ( who coined the word Bullicide in Bullicide death at playtime, co -authored by the late Tim Field.

blog posts May 15th 2008 2:13pm
“They aren’t criminally prosecuting her ( lori Drew) for complicity in the suicide.  they indicted her on conspiracy to commit fraud.  The fraud is supported by the overt acts that resulted in the intentional  infliction of pain and /or humiliation but she isn’t being prosecuted for that pain and /or humiliation.  She’s being prosecuted for willful and fraudulent violation  of terms of  service and the like.  Sure it never would have gotten to this point if the girl hadn’t killed herself  but Drew isn’t being held criminally liable for her death.  If she was it would be manslaughter charge-not fraud” posted by Chris may 15th 2008 2:15:19 pm

My opinion( by mary jean ziska….i believe she( lori drew )  should have been charged with manslaughter! her direct actions caused a reaction and the death in a girl. grave miscarriage of justice….

“This woman broke the law- that’s easy.  You agree to teams of service( especially when it comes to  harassment) then it’s pretty clear.
Some have argued that she shouldn’t be held accountable for the s girl’s death.  I can see why you might argue this , but that’s not  what the law says.  
Should this woman serve 20 years?  Probably not , but I think she should serve jail time, the outcome of this woman’s actions was the suicide of a young girl. 
As for culpability, I think you have to see this woman’s action as criminally reckless, she probably didn’t KNOW what the outcome would be but she must have known it was a real possibility. Like a drunk driver, she mus be culpable under the law.
Hopefully this case will continue to be widely reported as a warning to others. 
Posted by JEZ May 15th 2008 2:20:18pm